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Language Arts 4 A

School Year: 2022-2023
Subject: English and Language Arts
Course ID: LA133450
College Concurrent: No
School District: Big Horn County School District #1
Credit Recovery: No
Program Name: Wyoming Connections Academy
Course Capacity:
Grade Level(s): 4
LMS Platform: LMS means the course learning management system Connexus
Delivery Method: Online Asynchronous
Curriculum Type: Connections Academy
Credits: 0.50
Standards: Wyoming standards alignment available from the district upon request
Hathaway Success Course: No
Days: See Course Participation below
Advanced Placement: No
Times: See Course Participation below
Start - End Dates: Aug 29, 2022 - May 26, 2023
Available for Purchase: District Only

Course Description:
In this course, the student will learn, practice, and apply the skills and strategies intrinsic to becoming a stronger, more fluent reader and writer. The course presents reading, writing, and language instruction in close alignment with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Throughout the course, the student will engage in activities that promote critical thinking, explore increasingly complex conceptual relationships, and encourage them to be curious about the world they live in and explore ways to test and apply their ideas. In daily core reading instruction, the student will have the opportunity to read texts in a variety of literary and nonfiction genres. Instruction is presented in two modes: Peer Model, in which the student will view a video of a peer learning how to use and apply the target skill, and 21st Century, in which the student will gain proficiency in the skills, knowledge, and expertise they must master to succeed in work and life. Throughout the core reading block, engaging and thought-provoking activities allow the student to master a variety of related disciplines, including fluency, vocabulary, and speaking and listening. The course also provides the student with a thorough understanding of the writing process, from planning to drafting to revision, editing, and publishing, and includes instruction in developing narrative and explanatory texts. The focus on reading and writing is supplemented with instruction in grammar, spelling, and handwriting—skill areas vital to the student’s overall development as a reader, writer, and communicator.
Course Prerequisites:
Required Materials: None
Course Accessibility:
Connections Education LLC dba Pearson Virtual Schools USA, its schools and affiliates use information technology as a means of providing equality of opportunity to the greatest number of people, including people with disabilities. Connections aims to create a culture of accessibility through education. Connections is committed to working with the schools it supports in developing accessible websites and other electronic information to the Technical Standards and principles set forth in Section 508 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Federal law requires all public schools to provide students, regardless of disability, with an equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from the school’s education program. Students have 24-hour assistance in LMS and technical support.
Course Participation:
Student participation in this course is documented by the following:
  • Coursework submissions recorded by the learning management system.
  • Participation verified by the virtual education teacher for time spent working offline.
  • Academic-based communication between the student and virtual education teacher or learning coach and virtual education teacher.
  • Synchronous time with the class, a group or the virtual education teacher recorded by the learning management system or teacher.
  • The virtual education teacher verifies participation in the course 1-3 times a week.
  • Virtual education teacher verifies participation 1 to 3 times weekly