Course Description:
Semester A: Grade 5 Science continues to build on the science skills that have been obtained in years previous. There will be an emphasis on earth and space science, life science, and physical science. Students will begin the course by focusing on earth and space science by looking at the solar system and planets. Students will come to an understanding of the concept of the earth as a sphere and the earth's place in the solar system. The course continues with a focus on physical science and the different tools that can measure force, time, and distance. They will also grow in their understanding of how light and sound travel and interact with each other as well as the different types of energy. The semester concludes with a look into life science and the ways that organisms are interconnected. Instruction will include real life application, hands-on projects and assessments, and video and short research projects. Semester B: Semester B puts great emphasis on life science and begins by focusing on the many ecosystems of the earth and the way that all parts of ecosystems depend on each other. Students will learn the different types of ecosystems that exist. They will learn that ecosystems change and how the changes affect their ability to support their populations. Learners will examine plants; that they have different structures and how those structures allow them to respond to different needs. Students will also grow in their understanding of the importance of good nutrition to all living organisms. The course concludes with a look into the scientific process and the importance of investigations and conclusions in the study of science. Instruction will include real life application, hands-on projects and assessments, and video and short research projects
Course Prerequisites:
Required Materials:
Course Accessibility:
Tutoring/help w/ district coach and/or other district educators, Text to speech K-12, Canvas Accessibility checker, Language tool for ELL, Accommodations and modifications to students with IEPS and 504s
Course Participation: Student participation in this course is documented by the following:
- Student active time in course logged by the learning management system.
- Coursework submissions recorded by the learning management system.
- Academic-based communication between the student and virtual education teacher or learning coach and virtual education teacher.
- When this course is taken by a student in a school with a district-assigned learning coach, seat time attendance may be used to document participation.
- The virtual education teacher verifies participation in the course 1-3 times a week.
- A student is expected to meet progress requirements for the course weekly (flexibility- for example: student can choose to complete weekly progress for a course earlier in the week)