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Spur MS College and Career Readiness

School Year: 2022-2023
Subject: Other
Course ID: CTCCR800Sa
College Concurrent: No
School District: Fremont County School District #25
Credit Recovery: No
Program Name: Fremont County School District 25 Virtual Education Program
Course Capacity: 25
Grade Level(s): 6-8
LMS Platform: LMS means the course learning management system Edgenuity
Delivery Method: Online Asynchronous
Curriculum Type: Edgenuity
Credits: 0.00
Standards: Wyoming standards alignment available from the district upon request
Hathaway Success Course: No
Days: Self-paced. Aligns with FCSD #25 school calendar.
Advanced Placement: No
Times: See Course Participation below
Start - End Dates: Aug 23, 2022 - May 26, 2023
Available for Purchase: District Only

Course Description:
Now, more than ever, students are told they must be prepared for higher education or a career in a skilled profession. Gone are the days when the goal of a high school graduate was to enter a traditional four-year college program. In its place are several different pathways that a graduate can take to successfully enter the workforce. This course introduces students to a variety of educational and vocational opportunities and helps them identify which pathway will help them reach their goals. The content in this course provides instruction on skills essential for students preparing for college and/or a career, including how to build an effective resume, how to groom and dress in the workplace, the power of networking and how to develop disciplines that lead to success. Why have 21st-century skills become such a focus for educators, parents, and employers? The global economy is rapidly changing, and the educational experience cannot keep up with the pace of the demands in a competitive, knowledge-based, technology-driven society. Students must now develop a level of digital literacy that allows them to compete in an increasingly competitive market. For most students, developing values, beliefs, attitude, and social awareness are becoming just as important as developing academic abilities. To be college and career ready signifies that the student has developed the capacity to succeed in whatever they choose to do in life.
Course Prerequisites:
Acceptance into Spur Virtual Academy
Required Materials:
A computer (or similar device) and access to high speed internet.
Course Accessibility:
Spur Virtual Academy uses the Edgenuity program for students in grades 6-12 and VLNPartners for students in grades K-5. Both platforms wantall users to have equal access to the information and functionality of the learning materials and are committed to making their educational resources and websites accessible to individuals with disabilities and to meet appropriate standards includingWeb Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0at Conformance Level AA.
Course Participation:
Student participation in this course is documented by the following:
  • Student active time in course logged by the learning management system.
  • Coursework submissions recorded by the learning management system.
  • Percentage of coursework completed. Completion of weekly steps.
  • No
  • Synchronous time with the class, a group or the virtual education teacher recorded by the learning management system or teacher.
  • The virtual education teacher verifies participation in the course 1-3 times a week.
  • Teachers will verify one or more of the following as course participation: 60 or more active minutes for the course recorded in the LMS,weekly coursework submitted for the course in the LMS, recommended weekly steps completed for the course in the LMS, 3% progress completed for the course recorded in the LMS, attendance at a synchronous session for the course recorded by the teacher of record.