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Social & Emotional Success

School Year: 2022-2023
Subject: Career and Vocational Education
Course ID: VH3255
College Concurrent: No
School District: Johnson County School District #1
Credit Recovery: No
Program Name: Johnson 1 Virtual Education Program
Course Capacity: 99
Grade Level(s): 9-12
LMS Platform: LMS means the course learning management system Edgenuity
Delivery Method: Online Asynchronous
Curriculum Type: Edgenuity
Credits: 1.00
Standards: Wyoming standards alignment available from the district upon request
Hathaway Success Course: No
Days: TBD
Advanced Placement: No
Times: See Course Participation below
Start - End Dates: Aug 22, 2022 - May 26, 2023
Available for Purchase: District Only

Course Description:
Social & Emotional Success is a course is designed to strengthen a studentís social capacity and their emotional intelligence (EQ). Through a study of mindfulness, students develop a strong sense of self, enabling them to develop successful relationships, make healthy decisions, and achieve their goals. On top of developing EQ skills students will be equipped to handle trauma, developing coping skills, understand the consequences of drugs and how to find help when feeling vulnerable and abused. Upon completing this course, students will be empowered with the skills to identify problems, utilize critical thinking to evaluate and reflect on solutions, and engineer their own philosophy towards mindfulness.
Course Prerequisites:
Required Materials:
Internet access, Computer, paper, pencil, household items, and appropriate text.
Course Accessibility:
Pacing of the content is set. The course content and LMS are available with the URL and personal password. Students can access course content 24 hours a day, 7 days a week where the internet is accessible.
Course Participation:
Student participation in this course is documented by the following:
  • Student active time in course logged by the learning management system.
  • Coursework submissions recorded by the learning management system.
  • Attendance verified weekly by teacher.
  • Participation verified by the virtual education teacher for time spent working offline.
  • Academic-based communication between the student and virtual education teacher or learning coach and virtual education teacher.
  • Participation time will be recorded by weekly attendance and or cumulative progress.
  • Synchronous time with the class, a group or the virtual education teacher recorded by the learning management system or teacher.
  • When this course is taken by a student in a school with a district-assigned learning coach, seat time attendance may be used to document participation.
  • The virtual education teacher verifies participation in the course 1-3 times a week.
  • Estimated time to complete course is 50-100 hours. Teacher verification of participation weekly. Some form of weekly communication between student/parent and teacher via phone, zoom, email or in person.